
Including Privacy Notice

Access to and use of this World Wide Web site “Metabolize.us”, henceforth referred to as Mz, is provided subject to these terms and conditions.



The information, artwork, text, or pictures (collectively, “Materials”) contained on the Website are protected by copyright laws. You may not use the Materials for personal, professional, or educational purposes. You may not modify or use the Materials for any purpose without Mz’s express written consent.


The services, information or data (collectively, “Information”) made available at Website are provided “AS IS,” without warranties of any kind. Mz expressly disclaims any representations and warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The Information represents Mz summaries and observations based on information from published and unpublished sources that represent training, health, and nutrition literature and practice. Mz makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the currency, completeness, or scientific accuracy of this information, nor does it warrant the fitness of the information for any particular purpose.

The material on the Mz website is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health care professionals. It is not intended to direct the behavior of healthcare professionals or replace their independent professional judgment. If you have a problem with your health, or before you embark on any health, fitness or sports training program, seek clearance and guidance from a qualified healthcare professional.

Mz shall have absolutely no liability in connection with the services including without limitation, any liability for damage to your computer hardware, data, information, Materials and business resulting from the Information or the lack of information available on Website.


Mz shall have no liability for any loss or injury caused, in whole or in part, by its actions, omissions, or negligence, or for contingencies beyond its control, in procuring, compiling, or delivering the Information; any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the Information regardless of how caused, or delays or interruptions in delivery of the Information; or any decision made or action taken or not taken in reliance upon the Information furnished hereunder.

Mz makes no warranty, representation or guaranty as to the content, sequence, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the Information or that the Information may be relied upon for any reason. Mz makes no warranty, representation or guaranty that the Information will be uninterrupted or error free or that any defects can be corrected.


Your right to privacy and to protect your personal information is important to Mz. We recognize that when you provide us with information about yourself, you trust us to act in a responsible manner. The following discloses our information gathering and usage practices for www.metabolize.us  Although this site may contain links to third party websites, Mz is not responsible for the privacy practices followed by non-affiliated parties.

By visiting www.metabolize.us, you agree to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as described in this Policy. If you do not consent to this collection, use and disclosure of your information, you should not use www.metabolize.us.

General Principles

Mz respects the interests of all who visit its websites with regard to the collection, use and transfer of certain information. “Personal information” as we use it here refers to that which allows an individual to be identified directly or indirectly, and includes the categories of information set forth in the European Community Directive on Data Protection (the “EU Directive”) and applicable local legislation.

Proper use and security of your personal information is a high priority for Mz, particularly as we are in the data gathering business. Mz is committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the privacy principles set forth in the Safe Harbor program, as well as other applicable laws and regulations.

Types of Personal Information We Collect

When visiting our websites, Mz collects two different types of personal information from you. The first is information you knowingly disclose, which may include your full name, title, company affiliation, work address, work telephone number and work e-mail address. The second is information that is sent to us by your web browser. We do not ask for or collect any sensitive personal data as it is defined in the EU Directive. Where required under applicable law, we obtain users’ consent prior to collecting and processing personal information.

Methods of Collecting Information

Mz collects information from its website users in several different manners. One of the most common methods is during an online form submission or registration process, where a website user is requesting a free trial or a courtesy newsletter, registering for an event, or responding to similar offers such as sample reports, white papers or more product information. Additionally, we may collect information that is sent to Mz by your web browser, such as “cookies.” Finally, Mz may collect and aggregate data using third party code. However, data collected by these companies is used only by Mz and is not shared with, nor is it accessible to, other companies except as stated herein.


When visiting an Mz website, our servers may query your computer to see if there are cookies previously set by Mz. A “cookie” is a text file that is created when your browser visits a particular website, such as an Mz website. Afterwards, every time you visit the Mz website, your browser retrieves and sends this file to the Mz website’s server. Cookies enhance the website user experience by:

  • Helping Mz authenticate you as a user when you log in to a secure area of the website;
  • Storing information about your website user activities so you may easily pick up where you left off on the Mz server’s pages;
  • Storing your user preferences, which allows you to customize how information is presented through site layouts or themes; and
  • Personalizing the manner in which Mz responds to you via marketing communications.

The cookies Mz collects may include the following information: a unique identifier, user preferences and profile information used to personalize the content shown to the individual users. It is your choice whether you allow Mz to store such information on your computer or device. You may be able to set your web browser to alert you when a cookie is being used, and may use your browser to accept or reject the cookie; additionally, you may also disable the cookie feature on your browser entirely. However, disabling cookies may prevent you from using some features on the Mz websites.

Use of Personal Information

Mz may use your personal information for the purposes of providing you with requested information or products; providing you with information regarding similar products, or events; analyzing extent of use; providing customized product and service information; and for allowing website users to participate voluntarily in mailings or other events. Additionally, we may use personal information collected on our websites in the aggregate to better understand your use of our websites and to enhance your enjoyment and experience. For example, we may use the information to improve the design and content of our websites or to analyze the programs and services that we offer.

Mz may disclose a website user’s personal information, without notice, if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (i) comply with legal process served on Mz; or (ii) protect and defend the Mz property rights in and to its products, or the security or safety of its website users and website.

Email Marketing

If you submit a form on our website to attend an event, subscribe to a newsletter or request specific information, Mz may use the personal information that you enter, including your contact details, to send you follow-up emails relating to your original request. We may also occasionally send you information about similar products, services and events related to your interests, as determined by your original or most recent request for information.

Storage of Email Information

Mz may use internal and third party systems to store your email preferences, the information you submit on request forms and to manage our communications with you. Mz does not share your contact details with any a third parties.

Unsubscribing to Email Marketing

If you no longer wish to receive our email or promotional communications, you may opt-out of receiving them at any time by following the instructions included within each email, or by contacting us via the contact information listed below. A few limited exceptions may exist, but notice is always provided in such communications.

Last updated: September 1, 2024